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Shrink Ray Island Walkthrough



        Go to Shrink Ray Island. Run to your right and enter the school building. Once inside, run right again to the science fair. Run to the right end of the science fair and talk to C.J.'s dad. Make sure to select the third option! He says that she is missing and wants us to go to their apartment on Avenue A and check on her, so we'll do that. Exit the building. Head over to your right and enter the house with an orange cat in front of it. You accidentally let the cat in the house. Oops! Now you're going to have to chase her into the bathroom. Enter the bathroom and run to your left. You should come across the cat again. Chase it to the right and leave the bathroom. The cat is gone. How did it get out the door? Hmmm... Anyway, go over to the left and examine what's under the microscope. A letter from C.J.! “My invention's been stolen. Trust no one. Everything you need to know is in the house. Think small." Strange.  Then all of a sudden, the thief will come, say that you've been snooping around too much and shoot you with a shrink ray gun. We are now tiny. Great.


















 Jump onto the blue pendulum, then onto the fan. Wait until it gets all the way down, then press the red button to turn it on. It blows away the dust and reveals something. Press the button again to turn the fan off. Jump over the fan and under the bed to pick up the Thumb Drive.  Run over to the right until you get to the kitchen. Jump onto the letters on the fridge until you get to the ice tray. We need to get that remote! One problem... It’s on top of the fridge!  We'll come back to this later. Jump down from the ice tray and go to the right until you see 2 open drawers. Jump onto the first one, then the second. Grab the Screwdriver. Now jump on the counter and run to your right to get to the 2nd part of the kitchen. Our goal is to get that piece of paper! Push the rolling pin. That will push the tea kettle to the second burner. That burner is on, so the tea kettle is now shooting out steam. Ride the steam over to the top and push the bottle of oil. Jump to the ground and push Whisker's bowl underneath. Jump onto the drawers to get to the top again and jump onto the kitty crunch until the bowl is full. When you jump down, it should be a solid square shape. If you don't have that shape, keep jumping! Push the cat bowl underneath the table with the piece of paper on it. Jump on the cat food to get on the table. Grab the piece of paper. A grape should drop. Grab it. Since, you can't go to the left, come back down the way you came. Go back to the 1st part of the kitchen. Now we need to get that remote! Go to the toaster. Click on the cord, then the plug to plug it in. Click on the grape again, and then jump onto the handle of the toaster. It should launch you up next to a cup full of kitchen utensils. Push the salt shaker to the left side of the spatula and jump from the cup onto the spoon. It should launch you up higher to the top of the refrigerator. Run to the left and pick up the remote. Yes! We got the remote! :) Now drop down and push the green sponge until you get to the spray. Jump on it then jump to your right onto the trash can. Enter it.


















You need to get to the torn page at the very end. Okay so, this is pretty easy. Push the tuna can to the right. Now drop down and pull the cheese to the left. Jump up and push the milk to the right. It should fall, along with you. Jump up and push the cheese to the left. Move the cheese under it to the left twice. Run to the right and move the milk to the left twice. Jump up and move the tuna to the left. Move the cheese next to it to the left, too. Now move the tuna to the left again. Then push it to left again. Now take the cheese and move it to the left. Climb up the "stairs" and pull the tuna treats to the left. Now climb up the stairs and get the Torn Page. Now press restart to get out (You will still have the Torn Page when you press restart.) Exit the trash can and run to your left.


       Go to the toy car and use the Screwdriver. Get the Battery. Jump up on the coffee table and put the Battery in the TV remote, and jump on the green button. That should turn on the TV. Climb up on the antennas to collect static electricity and stick to the balloon. Get off the antennas and run left on the TV. Point your mouse at the green balloon and jump on the it. Get off on the picture of the Pashville Boardwalk (blue tall buildings.) Run to the left and jump onto the shelf with the fish food. Push the fish food over to feed the fish. Jump over it and into the tank. Now turn off the Aqua Filter and go inside to get the Diary Key. Now leave the tank, run to the right, and enter the bathroom. Climb up the 2 drawers and bounce off the hair brush to get to the hair spray then jump on the second light switch, which shuts off the ventilation fan. Now jump onto the hot water faucet and walk. That should turn it on the water. Something should appear in the mirror: a=4, i=1, e=3.


      So now jump on the hair dryer and angle it all the way back towards the tub. Push one of the buttons (It doesn't matter which one) and jump into the stream of air and get into the tub.  Push the soap over. Now jump over onto the faucet and walk. That should turn on the water in the tub. Jump in and push the soap to your left next to the rubber duck. Use that as your "stairs" (like we did in the trash can) to get out of the tub. Go past the toilet to the magazine rack and read the article. Oh... so those letters and numbers are the code for the password on C.J.'s computer! So you can head out of the tub by climbing the rope. Now head out of the bathroom and go left.


     We are in C.J.'s room. Jump onto her chair to her computer and jump up onto the thermostat. Run to your left until it turns red. Now jump off and go left to the next screen. Push the trash can and use the trash as stairs. There should be a poster that says Marie Curie with a sticky note that says My Hero! So now head over to the right to the next screen. Jump up on the chair and get to her computer. Password Hint: Person that C.J. admires most. We know that the person is Marie Curie. Replacing the a's with 4s and the i's with 1s and the e's with 3s, we know that the password to the computer is M4r13 Cur13. Type that on your keyboard and click log in. An email from C.J. to the thief! "You may have stolen my shrink ray gun, but I have the blueprints saved on a thumb drive. Even if you try to pass it off as your own invention, I can prove that it's mine!" The email is sent to Mr. X... Who could that be? Jump on top of the computer and onto the shelf with the diary on it. Open the diary using the diary key. A page is torn out, so use the torn page, which is the other half. Click on the now whole piece of paper. It says that C.J. shrunk herself! At the bottom it also says lemon+paper+light. Run to your left past the thermostat and jump on the lamp until it points down at an angle and turn it on. Now use the Piece of Paper. We have found the hidden message! " Look for me in the telescope. School cordinates."


     Now drop down and run to your left. Use the trash as stairs and get over C.J.'s bed. Grab the Morse Code Key on her bed. Jump over her bed and onto her dresser. Jump onto the bulletin board and jump on the tacks by clicking on them. First the blue, then red, then green, and now red again. Stay there. There should be a green sticky note by the red tack that you're on that says "PS 101  x=87, y=16. Those are her school cordinates.


     Drop down to the telescope. On the first dial, walk to the left to increase the number until it's 87. On the second dial, walk to the right to decrease the number until it's 16. Now click on the back part of the telescope. She is going to try to communicate with us through the telescope using morse code. The message should be FLUSH THE THUMB DRIVE.  But before we do that, we need to back it up.


    Run to the right and back to C.J.'s computer. Use the Thumb Drive. It should copy the contents to the computer. Now we can go flush it. Go right and keep running until you get to the bathroom, then enter it.  Run to your left and climb the drawers. Now jump onto the plug then the hair dryer. Use it to get back into the tub. Drop back down into the water and swim left. Use the soap and rubber duck as stairs to get out of the tub. Run left, onto the magazine rack, then onto the toilet. Use the Thumb Drive again. To flush it, jump onto the toilet paper roll and then onto the handle.  Get back into the tub and swim to the right. Use the rope to get out of the tub.


   Exit the bathroom and run to your left until you get to the last part of her room (with the floating trash) and use the trash to get over her bed again, onto her dresser, and onto her telescope. Spin the first dial back to 87, and the second back to 16. Now click the eye piece on the back of the telescope. She'll send us another message, and this time it should be THIEF IS MR SILVA!


    Now we get to drive the remote control car! Go right and into the 2nd part of C.J.'s room. Climb to the top of the bookshelf, and use the plant to get up to the last shelf of it. Now push the book "Tess's Tree". That should create a ramp. Head right again. Jump onto the coffee table and take the battery out of the remote. Put it back in the toy car underneath the table, and drive! Go left, and Poptropica will automatically shoot you out the window!


    Okay so, try to stay on the sidewalk during this part, and avoid hitting any obstacles. It's kind of hard, but you'll get it eventually! Now you're in Mr. Siva's office. Go left and talk to C.J. Click the third option. Oh no! Mr. Silva saw us and wants to shrik us again. Run! Okay, first hide behind the books, then the trophy. Now climb the "ladder" and go up top. Hide behind the globe. It should fall off after he shrinks it. Push the globe, but hide behind objects in between, he can still shrink you! Use the globe to get up onto the chair. Hide behind the lunch box. Now run all the way right and hide behind the mirror. The ray will bounce off and shrink Mr. Silva. Now drop down next to C.J. Run to your right and click the shrink ray's arm to switch it to "grow," and you'll grow back to normal! Congratulations! You've finished Shrink Ray Island!

























Written by: Incredible Flame




















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